Tuesday, December 29, 2020

What A Year!

Two more days, and year 2020 will be over. What a year this has been! Everyone of us has a long list of things they missed out on. Since the outbreak of the pandemic, our lives have changed. No going out, home is the refuge. No socialising, no guests. It has been a long period of hibernation. Things like going for a walk, going shopping, meeting friends, attending cultural events, travelling, and eating out have been long forgotten. One always took these things for granted, but they have become luxuries now. Following the protocol to fight the virus is the top priority. 

For many, this year brought material loss like losing jobs or losing means of earning a livelihood. For others, it has meant losing near and dear ones to the pandemic. For almost everyone, it has been unsettling; bringing a sense of insecurity, uncertainty, and fear. Personal interactions, that were an integral part of our existence, reduced, making way for social distancing. Family gatherings, getting together to celebrate or grieve over a certain event, meetings of any kind--social, cultural, religious, academic, business--have had to be curtailed.

Looking at the other side, over the last several months, we have realised some things; like the goodness of home-cooked meals, the joy of spending time at home with family, and the importance of people around us who help us with domestic chores, who supply items of daily needs to our homes, and who keep our neighbourhoods clean. We have seen the sacrifices made and risks taken by all those who attended to their call of duty even when the pandemic was raging. A big salute to all of them!

The powerful virus that has had such a wide-ranging impact on all of us, is taking its own time to relent. But when it does, let us not forget the lessons it has taught us. Of valuing the fresh air and the sunshine, the smile on a loved one's face, the laughter of family and friends filling our homes, sharing our joys and sorrows with loved ones, pats on the back, holding hands, and hugs. Let the New Year be the beginning of the end of these difficult times!


  1. Lata,
    You have described the passing years good & bad points very beautifully & realistically. As rightly said by you let us hope that the new year will be full of new hopes for all.

  2. Dear Lata
    The 2020 was different in all the ways.
    You said it rightly lots of personal losses to huge mankind.
    One has realised the importance of relationship and friends who are a big support system during crises.
    All the people were under the illusion of having achieved great power and technology gaiins over the year ,the nature has shown it's strength and has made rralize mankind to be kind and respect the nature
    I am sure we all will fight it out and come out stronger and better in 2021 ,so let's welcome the new year .

    1. Thanks, let's hope for the best in the New Year!
